Saturday 7 September 2013

Thank You!

Right, so there hasn't been a post in a while as I've been ill. Hopefully there will be one tomorrow or soon after..

I just want to say thank you as I have seen that I have over 500 pageviews! Which I am so proud of, considering I only made my blog a month or two ago? and I am so happy with that! I hope you are enjoying my posts and please comment if you think I can improve it. I really appreciate it and every pageview matters to me. Thank you so much!

know everything first: twitter


  1. congrats on the pageviews! I remember that feeling when I first started my blog, it's lovely, isn't it? Cherish it :) x

  2. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Lovely greets
