Friday 12 July 2013


Today we were supposed to be going on a (free) school trip to London but we had some slight technical glitches... After a while of waiting for our coach, we found out that the coach company we were going with had gone bankrupt and taken our money! So eveeentually, after 3 hours of waiting, our school managed to organise a new trip to Paultons Park. I didn't mind this as much but I would rather have gone to London. I think its still happening next year so I'm pretty excited for that!
'Sky Swinger'
'Magma'. Very over-rated, not as good as it seems.

The three newest rides 'Magma', 'Cobra' and 'Edge'

'Land of the Dinosaurs'
This duck creeped me out so much :(


Peppa Pig World
I remeber seeing this when I was younger :')


Someone buy me this?

Always have to see the penguins!

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